Healing of the broken heart is very real in our family. Praise God, the spirit of depression was shattered in my daughter’s life just listening to Pastor John’s teaching. Hallelujah! She said the depression was gone and started singing once again. Jesus healed her broken heart. Amen and amen.
- Patsy A
If possible, we would rate this as a 100 Star posting. Our family first experienced Lighthouse Christian Fellowship about 17 years ago. We found the church quite by accident. We were lost and looking for a church and by chance we were directed to one of the best spiritual experiences we have ever had. The sermon, which we still reflect on today covered the Christian life as being either a well or a cistern. The well giving life and the cistern stagnating. We are from the mainland but return as often as we can to visit Lighthouse Christian Fellowship as it rejuvenates our spiritual health. It is a wonderful Christian experience to be had, whether an occasional visitor or local parishioner. Their remodeled worship hall is beautiful as it has an open air sanctuary and God blessed members, minister, and staff. If you wish to have a closer spiritual experience, make Lighthouse Christian Fellowship a must to attend. You will feel the love of Christ and be welcomed with open arms. Pastor John is a very blessed man who's sermons are loving, warm, and full of meaning. His wife Shannon is also most helpful and caring in communicating with distant members. A visit here just might make you want to stay and renew your love of Christ on a more continual basis. Dear God, thank you for sharing Lighthouse Christian Fellowship in our lives and may many more experience this blessing as well. Amen
- T.M. Ehlert
We are from Oregon and try to get to Kauai several weeks per year. When we first attended Lighthouse Christian Fellowship in 2006, we were immediately drawn to two important distinctions that set it apart from almost every other church we've attended in recent years: The sincere love and encouragement from the Pastor, his wife, and everyone we've encountered; and, their absolute commitment to encouraging the church with uncompromised, straight talk from the Word. Since our first visit, we've made Lighthouse Christian Fellowship our home and church family. We never miss a worship service whenever we're on the Island. It's rare to find spiritual leaders with the courage to stand for the uncompromised truth and the authority of scripture, a commitment to divide the Word of Truth from synthetic double-talk, and a resolve to make sure you know you are loved.
- Stephen H Beaverton, OR
Friendly pastor and congregation! Welcoming Aloha spirit. Inspiring and encouragement service!
- Patti and Ron
Our first trip to Kauai in 2013 was to see a Prophetic Teacher Al Houghton when he was teaching at this church. We didn't know what to expect when we got there but we ended up being pleasantly surprised to find our home away from home. We have been able to return once every year since then to visit Kauai and our new friends. Pastor John and his wife Shannon have become wonderful friends and we consider them to be our Pastors as we talk and pray over the phone often. Every time we pray with them we grow in our walk with the Lord and gain clarity and greater discernment. We highly recommend that if you are on Kauai that you visit this church and take a moment to get to know them and pray with them.
- Karen and Brad
Its been a few years since I’ve been to Kauai but I tell everyone that goes to Kauai to visit this church with no walls in Kilauea. Powerful church. I want to retire there and that would be my church!
- John E
John and Shannon are true pastors and servants of our Lord. They are givers in the truest sense of the word. They willingly have sent us material to bring health and healing to my wife and I. We are hoping to visit them soon, but also they are a phone call away. What a BLESSING to the body of Christ!!!
- Ed D
Lighthouse Christian Fellowship is a wonderful and welcoming place to worship. Great people and messages that preach Jesus. I will continue to attend services when I am on Kauai.
- Mary K
This was our church for many years when we lived on the island. We were blessed to visit last month and attend a service. The Word of God is preached there and the worship is anointed. Great church!
- Joan G
An amazing church community filled with the Love and Presence of God
- Faylene S
Looking for a church who knows the Word? You will certainly be blessed if you stumble across (or look for intentionally) Lighthouse Christian Fellowship!! Great people with tremendous love and insights into the Word of God!!
- Sharon H
Love the teaching and the church. Spirit Filled Bible Believing. What more could you ask.
- Royce S.
The Lord is at work here healing the broken hearted & setting the captives free. I always look forward to going to this Church and visiting the people there when I am on Kauai. Pastor John encourages with a strong message of grace and righteousness with God through Jesus Christ. This Church is very strong on Healing and shutting down the works of the devil. Oh, & they have their own coffee shop (like a mini-Starbucks) serving whatever you want in back before and after service. Apparently coffee is of the Lord ;)